Marshall McLuhan argued that we are building a global art form. By understanding the art form we could create full employment and promote artistic l'earning. A paper presented to the “The Toronto School: Then | Now | Next” conference October 14, 2016
A McLuhanite Kit for Designing Cyberspace TechnologiesCyberspace is an art form. It is constructed of information composed by people using artistic perception and just-in-time learning. It provides an arena of creative human activity which has produced works of art such as Google and Wikipedia and many lesser known artifacts. How these artworks come into being is a central question of our times. McLuhan provided a kit of ideas and strategies for creating new cyberspace technologies.
The Future of Work in an Information WorldMarshall McLuhan argued that, with its electric media, humankind is creating a world of information which can be considered a global artform. People who work within this artform will act as artists designing media or helping to design media. They will need democratic workplaces, artistic training, and life-long learning. An example of a medium designed according to McLuhan’s principles of media is given. Fair warning: academically-written essay ahead.
Marshall McLuhan was a Canadian media philosopher and artist. He wrote books such as the Gutenberg Galaxy and Understanding Media. Many of his terms, such as "global village" have become part of the vocabulary used to discuss the effects of modern communication technologies.